Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Perfectly, Wonderful Day

So I realize this is the third post for a random Wednesday, but I'd already had the Wordless Wednesday post planned, and then the day ended up being so fantastic, I just had to add to it:)  You already know about how my night ended, but the daytime was perfect too.

Last night, I planned to take Jack into the city to a children's play museum that is located very close to where Brad works.  So this morning, Jack and I got ready to leave the house at the same time as Daddy, and we followed him into the city.  We parted ways and headed to the children's museum for about an hour and a half, and then we planned to head to Daddy's office to visit and then to go have lunch. 

I'm so glad that I found out about the museum through another mommy's blog because I agree with her - the best $6 spent in a long time.  Jack was completely engaged the whole time we were there, and he could've continued to play for hours if his mama and daddy hadn't been so hungry!

Ready for an adventure

Digging in the sandbox

Building with Lincoln logs

The house that Jack (and I) built

He loved the pulley system




Chinese Water Dragon

Taking orders at Dominos

"Eating" a pepperoni pizza lunch served by Mommy

The grocery store

He had a blast!

Jack's purchases - which very much reflected our weekly shops to the grocery store, minus the eggplant.

The museum was so much fun, and we can't wait to go back with some friends.  After Jack played and explored in every room, we headed to Daddy's office.  We walked around and said hello to everyone, and then we took a nice walk to lunch.  We had a great meal, said goodbye to Daddy, and then headed home for naptime.  After our very busy morning, I wasn't surprised that Jack fell asleep in the car about 2 1/2 minutes into the trip home.  When we got home, he wasn't tired anymore, so we just had quiet time in his room for a little while so Mommy could rest:)

I taught Jack how to play Chutes and Ladders and Candyland (which he absolutely loves!) in the afternoon, and then Grammy came to pick him up for a playdate with her and Grampy.  They headed to Chuck E. Cheese's, and I got things ready for a donation pick-up and reorganized the garage. 

All in all, a perfect day:)

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