Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Proper Celebration

July/August are busy months for our family...within two weeks we have three birthdays and two wedding anniversaries, and tonight we finally had the opportunity to properly celebrate:)  Dinner at Bonefish was excellent, but the company was even better.  Here are some of our photos from the evening:

A new outfit for Aunt Jess

A very well-behaved Peanut who didn't make a peep the ENTIRE time

Aunt Jess and Jack

Dessert on the house

Grandma, Jack, and Grandpa

Jack's card for Grandpa

Aunt Jess, Jack, and Jimmy

It was a very fun, relaxing evening, and we were impressed with how well our two little ones (omigoodness, we have two little ones!) did at our first restaurant outing since becoming a family of four.

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