Saturday, September 6, 2014

Super Stars

When Jack was about 1 1/2 years old, we enrolled in him in Soccer Tots.  We took him to tumbles classes and slowly, over time, that grew into swimming and soccer and Tae Kwon Do.  After Hannah was born, I took her along with me and kept her busy while Jack swam or played on the field.  At a very early age, she wanted up.  She wanted to be next to the pool, she wanted to be on the mats, she wanted to run around and kick her own soccer ball.

Over the past couple of weeks, Jack started practice, and Hannah couldn't understand why she didn't get to practice, too, after I'd told her that we'd signed her up for soccer.  She demanded that she wear her soccer gear to his practice, and then she'd sit on the sidelines and eat her snack.  I felt so bad :(

She's been very patient, but today was her day.

And boy, did she shine!

Pow-wow with the trainer 
(You'll notice Hannah is not wearing the shirt everyone else is wearing - she flat-out refused.)

Showing off her skills

Water break!

Her big brother was so proud of her and wanted her to know she was doing a great job :)

Keeping up with her teammates (there's only one other little girl on her team)

Sweaty girl and elbow dimples

Check out the form!


Anyone else look at this picture and see Jack?

Speaking of was Jack's first official game of the season.  It also happened to be the first game he's ever played where the score was kept and the coaches had to coach from the sidelines.  I could tell he was really nervous when it first started, but he found his stride eventually.  It was a brutally hot day, so I'm sure they were both exhausted!

Goal kick

Ready to move up the field

Heading back to midfield

While Hannah was on the sidelines watching her brother play and fussing about her snack, she came over, grabbed my face in her chubby little hands, and said, "Mama, you're my super-star."

It was so precious.  But really?  These kids?  They're the super-stars, and I couldn't be more proud.

(By the way, if you don't receive my blog posts via email, you may miss the back-blogging posts that I add.  You can sign up for email notifications on the right sidebar of our page.  If you're interested, you can read about Jack's birthday celebrations here.)

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