Thursday, November 4, 2010

Suspicions Confirmed

About a month or two before Jack was born, I found out we were having a baby boy (I hadn't wanted to know before then).  I was so excited and couldn't wait to raise a little man with Brad.  My first born.  A son.  I was thrilled.

About 30 seconds later, I realized that perhaps one day Baby Jack would grow up to play soccer.  I could be a soccer mom.  Practice in the afternoons, games on the weekends, soccer parties for the team.  So much to look forward to...if Baby Jack happened to like love soccer. 

The least I can do is expose him to soccer at an early age.  Perhaps this would make him more outgoing than I was.  I never played sports or took dance.  I don't really like organized, group activities, and I don't want him to be held back for the same reason.  So I decided to sign him up for SoccerTots. 

Yes, there is such a thing.

Jack's Fancy Footwork

Coach's Helper

I love him so much.

The agility of a superstar

I knew it.  My suspicions have been confirmed.  I did, indeed, birth the next Beckham.

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