Today was Jack's first day of kindergarten.
This morning, when I went in to wake Jack up, I sang him our good morning song, as usual, and snuggled up next to my little man. I was rubbing his back and talking about what a big day it was for him. And do you know what he said? His first words today? Barely a whisper, he said, "I'm scared." So I put on my brave face and told him there was nothing to be scared of and about all of the fun he would have.
Jack decided he would prefer that I drop him off at school rather than he ride the bus, so that's just what we did. We dropped off Hannah Bear (who did slightly better today - no screaming, just teary-eyes!), and then we drove to Jack's new school. I got out and gave him a hug, and he whispered that he was scared and couldn't remember where to go. And as bravely as I could, I walked him to a complete stranger, explained that he was starting kindergarten and didn't know where to go, and before I knew it, he was whisked off to the building where teachers would help to guide him. I called out to him, "I love you, Jack - have a good day!"
And just like that - he was gone.
I had no choice but to get in my car and drive away.
I cried the entire way to work. But not in front of Jack.
And my little man? He didn't cry at all - he was so brave.
I simply could not have been more proud of him today. My heart was just bursting at the seams.
He had a great day - he said it was awesome:) He said they took a tour of the classroom and had circle time. They talked about the weather and used straws to count the day of school. He said they played on the playground and that he didn't cry when he got a little scrape on his ankle. He said he loved the bus ride to his new daycare. But that he doesn't want to ride the bus in the morning. He said kindergarten is great, and I just couldn't be happier.
Today was a big day. Indeed.

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