Sunday, January 11, 2015

I Call Her a Chocolate Detective

So, Hannah has a sweet tooth like her mom.

She loves chocolate (and says choc-o-lit in the most adorable way possible).

Admittedly, she gets a fair amount of chocolate here and there, but we try to only give the kids candy in very small amounts and way before bedtime.

Sometimes (okay, frequently) I get a chocolate-craving during a time when Hannah shouldn't be eating chocolate.  So I have to sneak off into the kitchen, take a teeny bite, and then meander my way back to whatever we were doing, trying to be as stealthy as possible.

Twice now - she's caught me.

She always sweetly says, "Mommy, I smell something.  What are you eating, Mommy?  Let me see what's in your mouth, it smells so good, Mommy."

This, mind you, is after I've swallowed the chocolate, taken a drink, and slowly made my way back to her.

She's got a nose like a hound dog.  I'm in trouble...

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