Monday, January 17, 2011

13 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 13 Weeks
Size of baby: Peanut is about 3 inches long and the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 6.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but I'm finding I can't quite wear all of my regular clothes either
Gender: Too soon to tell!
Movement: I think I've felt the baby move just in the last week, but it seems awfully early to me, so maybe I'm just being crazy
Sleep: I'm sleeping just fine
What I miss: Going an entire day without feeling nauseous
Cravings: I'm just hungry in general right now
Symptoms: Nausea, some irritability, constantly going to the bathroom, a little sleepy still
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Getting to see our little Peanut at our ultrasound appointment

Take a peek for yourself!

While I'm pretty impressed with myself for keeping such a secret from the blog for so long, I still documented with photos that I knew I could share's some of what you've missed up until this point!

{Eight weeks - can you see it?  Cause I can!}

{So small and tiny on 12.21.10.  The first time we heard Peanut's strong, healthy heartbeat!}

{12 weeks}

This pregnancy has been a little bit trickier than my pregnancy with Jack, just based on the sheer fact that with Jack I was only nauseous for a week (and I didn't get the flu when I was pregnant with Jack).  This little peanut keeps me guessing, some days I'm fine, and other days I just feel so sick.  I think having a two and half year old to take care of at the same time probably makes it a little bit harder as well:)

We told Jack that he's going to be a big brother - right after we heard the heartbeat and before we told our families.  While I am really anxious about his reaction, I want to be super happy and positive for him so that this is as enjoyable an experience for him as possible.  So when we told him, we were super excited and talked about how he's going to be a big brother and what an important job that is.  He immediately said, "No," and got face-down on the ground in a pouting fashion.  I have no idea where this came from, but we've got some time to work on it.

He doesn't really seem to understand too much at this point.  He says there's a baby in mommy's belly, and he knows he has to be gentle around mommy, but I still don't think he really understands.  Maybe once I get a little bit bigger still...and I need to find some good books to start reading to him as well.  Maybe he needs a baby doll...ha!

We are so excited!!!!!  I can't believe we're going to have two babies!

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