Monday, January 10, 2011


So I realize I've been missing lately from the blog (aside from trying to keep up with my Wordless Wednesday and Silent Sunday posts), but I promise - it's with good reason.

Obviously, Christmas was super-busy, and while I meant to post more about it, I didn't have a chance before I got really, really sick.  Flu-sick.  And it. was. horrible.  Thought I might die horrible.  I can't remember the last time that I was that sick, but all I know is I was too sick to shower for four days (perhaps that gives you a little insight as to how sick I was).  Lucky for me, my super-hubby did a wonderful job caring for our little man and bringing me fluids and food that I worked really hard to keep down.  Needless to say, our New Year's was less than spectacular.

I missed the first work day of the new year and made it back to work the next day, to lots of comments to how pale I seemed.  What seems like a nice way to say that you must not be feeling well does not really feel so nice at that moment:)  I was pale to start with people - I know that I look like death - I've been throwing up for days...what can I do?

Anyway, I did start feeling better, but I'm still trying to get completely over the head-cold part of everything.  And getting back into the swing of going to work every day after the break.'s been a slow crawl back to the land of the living.  I just took down my Christmas decorations this past weekend - thanks to my mom's wonderful help!  The house is finally back to normal...

and with that, I promise that I will get back to blogging more regularly too.  You'll see!

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