Saturday, January 15, 2011

"The Name's Buck"

Tonight, Daddy and Jack were rough-housing on the couch before bedtime.  Jack is getting over another bout of bronchiolitis and a double-ear infection, but the Albuterol that he takes via the nebulizer makes him VERY hyper for about thirty minutes after his breathing treatments.  Hence the rough-housing:)

Ever since Jack was very little, when he gets really excited and into the moment, he bites...HARD.  At first, it only seemed to happen to me, but lately it's also been happening to Daddy.  Of course, whenever this happens we have a chat about how it's not nice to bite people and that it hurts, but it just seems that he just gets all this crazy-energy that he feels he just can't let out...I don't know how else to explain it.  Tonight, while playing, Jack bit Daddy on the shoulder.  Daddy reminded Jack that it's not nice to bite, and they went along their merry-way.  A few seconds later, Jack asked, "Can I bite?"  Ha!  Very funny and adorable, and of course, he got a "no," but we were rather impressed he took the time to think that through first:)

The playing continued, bite-free I might add, and Jack was climbing along the back of the sofa the way he's seen Cuddlebug do a thousand times.  While pushing off from Daddy's shoulders, we heard him cry out, "The name's Buck!"  We laughed so hard.  For those of you who don't know, Buck is a rather crazy character from an Ice Age movie that Jack refers to as Dinosaurs.  We just love when he randomly pulls out lines from his movies to use appropriately in his playtime - such a bright, little man!

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