Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jaw-Dropping Goodness

Jack and I were at home again today.  Last night, his fever returned, and so we headed back to the doctor's office this afternoon.  It seems that all of the medications Jack has been on have weakened his immune system, allowing him to catch a little virus:(  Poor baby.

It was a rough day - I'm not gonna lie.  He was irritable, I'm suffering from a bit of cabin-fever, and we just didn't have a terribly smooth day.  While recapping for Daddy this evening, I did remember a few good, jaw-dropping moments that we just knew had to be documented.

While looking at my cell phone earlier today, Jack said, "Mama, there's a Earth on there."  Immediately, I responded with,  "What?!  What did you say?!"  He repeated himself.  After I picked my jaw up off of the floor and thought about what he'd said for a second, I asked Jack to show me where the Earth was.  Sure enough, he took his chubby little finger and pointed to the icon for my web browser on the main menu of my phone.  This was the moment I realized, "Ohmygoodness - he actually knows what Earth is and what it looks like."  He could tell I was amazed, and so I said, "Jack that is so smart, you're right, that is the Earth!"  He had the biggest, proudest grin on his adorable face.  Precious.

This evening we spent some time before dinner looking through several of Jack's Wild Animal Baby booklets, and I was amazed at the level with which he could participate in the given activities.  He was able to find most of the animals listed beside pictures designed to be like I Spy.  He could count the animals on a given page that asked how many.  He could find shapes and match animals and colors and mimic finger movements to little animal songs.  It was adorable, and we had so much fun!

Baby Jack, Daddy and I are so amazed at the crazy amount you're continuing to learn on a daily basis.  We are so proud of you.  You're the smartest little boy that we know, and we're so glad that you're ours.  We hope that you're feeling better soon.  Love, Mama and Daddy

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