I had to call Kimmee for reinforcements, but without seeing the haircut, it was hard to say. I decided it would be best to take a picture with my phone and send it to her immediately. Jack didn't love that idea so much, so in the pictures Kimmee received, he was angry and running away, but she thought his hair looked good, and I'd be better off leaving it alone.
As we were about to get off the phone, Jack announced he had to go potty and we made our mad dash to his bathroom like we're currently doing MANY times a day. We're still in the stage where I have to completely undress him from the waist down, and I can't do all of that with a phone in my hand, so I handed it to Jack to play with and pretend-talk to Kimmee. While we're waiting for him to go potty - HE DROPS MY PHONE IN THE TOILET. (and then makes the cutest, surprised face I've ever seen, by the way)
Unfortunately, I immediately reach in and rescue my phone, and like a mad woman try to dry it off and save its life all at the same time. It's not coming on, and I think life as I know it may be coming to an end...but if I don't move, and quickly, we're going to be late for our picture appointment, and I have to be there early to let Jack warm up a bit. He doesn't adjust to change well. I have no idea where he gets that from;)

I rush to get Jack dressed when I realize he's wearing his cowboy boots. Oh no - my mind starts racing, "How am I going to get him out of his cowboy boots before we leave the house!?" I have to call Kimmee back (from the house phone, obviously) to share the events of the past 45 seconds. My morning went from being a little rushed to a level of sheer panic.
Somehow, and I can't remember how - that's how traumatic my morning was - we got out of the cowboy boots and into his sandals. We packed a bag of possible props in the event of a freak-out (Jack, not me) like last time and the remnants of my cell phone and headed out the door. Jack was wearing a plastic construction hat and neon yellow sunglasses, but I'd deal with that later.
We arrived at the picture place and surprisingly, Jack did amazingly well. There was another little boy there about his age, and they started playing separately, but simultaneously together, and when it was his turn, he walked right into the studio. Thank goodness he announced he had to go potty because like I mentioned earlier, I have to strip him down from the waist, and this allowed me to take off his sandals and get the barefoot pictures I'd been hoping for all morning!
Jack was an angel and posed very well...the woman who photographed him was definitely smitten. She asked if I would sign a waiver for them to use his portraits because she was loving them (and him) so much. She was sure he could be a model if I wanted him to. I was beaming...not that I'm proud, or anything!
He even behaved and played around while I made the horrible decision of which photos (and how many?) to purchase without my cell phone and the use of reinforcements! I ended up paying a small fortune, but my goodness, how great are these photos?
Turns out that my phone is definitely fried. Jack and I bought a new one while at the mall, but I couldn't call or text anyone to tell them about our great picture-taking experience because I don't know anyone's number and/or how to use my new phone. All in good time.
P.S. Any thoughts on the haircut?

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