By now, you know that I have a new nephew, Dylan. He is precious and smooshy, and we are in love! The kids got to meet their new cousin on the first day of spring break. Jack was so excited to see how tiny and cute the baby was, but he was a little nervous to hold him. Lots of kisses on his tiny, baby head though... Hannah is super-jealous of Dylan with a capital J. As soon as I'm holding him or looking at him, she is all over me like white-on-rice. It's pretty adorable and makes me feel loved. Also affirms our decision that two is plenty:)
{this is as close as Miss Hannah would get}
After I took them to visit Dylan, we had lunch at California Tortilla and then came home to nap before visiting the Easter Bunny at the mall. I have to say, this year went much better than the year before and definitely better than our Santa experience. I was pretty happy with our picture!
On Tuesday morning, we met up with our BFFs at our local indoor, inflatable playground, and this was the first time that Hannah could participate. She was so excited to jump and slide! We all had a blast and were completely worn out.
{focus on baby girl's face in this picture - is that not pure joy that you're witnessing?}
After that, we went home, had lunch and napped. My eye wasn't feeling too good that day, so we stayed home that afternoon and just lounged around and enjoyed each other's company. I got to stare into these baby blues...
and he got to draw Spider-man pictures, so really, it was a win-win situation:)
Tuesday evening, I took the kids to swimming and we had Chik-Fil-A for dinner, but as the night wore on, my eye became increasingly uncomfortable. Perhaps you remember, but last year at the same time, ironically, I suffered a corneal abrasion. I haven't blogged much about it since then, if at all, but my abrasion was so bad that it never fully heals. It gets to about 98-99% better, and that's where it stays. There's actually a name for it - recurrent erosion. In the middle of the night, if Hannah or the dogs wake me up, and I open my eyes too quickly, it re-injures itself, and the process begins again. I've learned to adjust. I use eye drops all of the time, and I actually have trained myself to open my eyes at different times in the middle of the night, but occasionally, something catches me off guard, and I hurt my eye. It usually takes about 45 minutes to feel better, and it's usually an instantaneous reaction when I know that it's happened again.
Tuesday was different. My eye felt swollen, so I tried using my drops more frequently and resting it, but it just didn't feel right. It was a slow progression, but by Tuesday night after swimming, it was bad, and we called my eye doctor. He called in prescriptions, and I was to see him the next day (thankfully, I already had an appointment scheduled because my eye has been having spasms...).
I had planned for the kids to go to school on Wednesday and Thursday so that I could get some things done and and ready for the wedding, but I was sad that it was Spring Break and that they weren't home with me doing tons of fun things. It all worked out in the end since my eye was such a mess, but still...I was sad.
So Wednesday morning I went to my regular doctor about my wrist (possible carpal tunnel or tendonitis) and then straight to my eye doctor where I learned that I had, indeed, injured the exact same spot on my eye. Another bandage contact lens and a pair of strong sunglasses later, I was on my way to have my wrist x-rayed. Still waiting on those results...
After my doctor's appointments, I went to grab something to eat and dropped my car off for its safety inspection - I realized I was running out of March days, and thankfully, the shuttle could drive me home, which was probably safer with my wonky eye anyway.
I slept the rest of that afternoon. Painkillers work wonders for eye injuries...
On Thursday, Brad and I visited a possible school for the littles next year (such big decisions - I don't feel qualified to make decisions this big!!!), and then I attempted to go over to my sister's for Dylan's newborn photo session. Dylan wasn't happy that afternoon, so we did our best. I'll share some images once my sister decides on her announcement - I promise:) I went tanning in preparation for the wedding on Saturday, and then I jetted off to dinner with Jessica and the other bridesmaids, wonky eye and all! Dinner was delicious - thanks, Jess!
Friday morning the kids and I went back over to my sister's to get some more newborn shots, and while Dylan was certainly much happier, he was still not sleepy and/or wanting to be smooshed into various positions. None the less - the pictures, if I do say so myself, are to die for. We came home for naps, I went tanning one more time, and then we got everyone ready for the rehearsal dinner.
{three generations}
{ceremony spot and view}
{bride- and groom-to-be}
{the rehearsal dinner crew at the wedding location}
{showing off their best behavior}
{Jack has a little crush - more on that later!}
The rehearsal dinner was so pretty, and it got everyone so excited for the wedding day! I'll share more pictures of the wedding as I get them! Jessica looked so beautiful, and I was so proud of Jack and Hannah and how well they did as ring bearer and flower girl. It was so special for us each to have a role in the wedding...we'll never forget it!
Easter was very laid back at my mom and dad's. Thank goodness - we needed laid back. I didn't even take my camera. That's how exhausted we all were!
So Spring Break went by in a blur, and then I went back to work for a day before coming down with a serious case of something. Tummy bug I'm guessing, but it wasn't good.
{What Jack said to me after I told him that I missed him and that I was sorry that I wasn't feeling well. I asked him to come cuddle with me - this was his response!}
I'm feeling much better now. But please, please...can things just be normal for a few weeks?!

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