Monday, April 29, 2013

Growing Up

We made big strides today in our house as far as growing up is concerned.

Tonight, while making dinner, Hannah said her first full sentence.  Well, that's probably not true.  I feel like she speaks in sentences quite often, but this was the first time I ever really remember it being completely her own thought and pulled together all by herself.  I was originally going to make the kids buttered noodles, but she spilled the half a box of noodles on the floor, so then I decided to make them mac and cheese.  I was making pot pies for me and Brad, and the littles don't really love pot pie, so I was making them something different.  Hannah does like rice, however, and she was eagerly anticipating helping me make rice.  As I was stirring the macaroni noodles, I suddenly heard the bag of rice hit the floor, followed by a very clear, "I dropped the rice."  So stinkin' cute - I seriously made her say it over and over again!


Brad also gave a Jack a much-needed haircut this evening, and now my little man looks all grown-up!  I couldn't believe how much older he looks...he's just so handsome.  And I immediately got a ton of comments about how much he looks just like his daddy:)


And then, to top it all off, I snapped this adorable picture moments before tucking Hannah Bear into bed tonight.

I'm so happy that we have such snuggly kiddos!

Now if only I could stop time...

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