...is probably very different when two people who don't go out and don't drink travel with in-laws and two little lovelies.
Scratch that. It isn't
probably very different, it
is different.
I can say that based on the tons of people-watching I did in a city that doesn't seem to sleep and where people walk the streets in all kinds of attire with alcoholic drinks in hand. Las Vegas is a great place to people-watch.
We were so busy while we were there, that I literally didn't have time to blog after that first morning. We went from one activity to the next, only to return to our hotel room late at night to get a little bit of sleep before waking up the littles and starting all over again the next day. It was a jam-packed vacation, but we had so much family fun!
Our babies were troopers - they napped in the car and in the strollers, and slept (adorably together) as hard as rocks at night. They did very well in a place that wasn't designed specifically for them, and I was thrilled with their behavior. We have found that they both love to fly, thankgoodness. We have also found that Hannah definitely gets car-sick, and it's something we hope she grows out of...we'll see.
Take a sneak peek at our comings and goings, day-by-day:
The first thing we did was to head to Comic Con - the convention happened to be having its last day, and Brad wanted to take Jack to see the super heroes. Comic Con was different than we expected - while we did see a few people in costumes, there weren't nearly as many as we'd hoped, and we didn't see any t-shirt vendors for Jack's favorite super heroes.
Small side story - while walking through the hotel to get to the Comic Con Convention, Jack announced, "I think I smell animal feces." We thought this was rather hilarious, and also spot on because it definitely smelled like horse manure. I think there was actually a barn exhibit going on as well...
This also prompted Jack to say, "We're looking for super heroes, not cowboys!"
After the convention, we grabbed a buffet lunch at the hotel, and then traveled to The Shark Reef exhibit at Mandalay Bay. It was a beautiful aquarium, and we got lucky because it wasn't crowded at all. Jack and Hannah loved the touch and feel manta ray tank the best, but I was too busy making sure nobody went swimming to take any pictures. I did grab this picture of the jellies:
Sunday night we walked on the strip and got to see the Fountains at Bellagio. Jack also had his picture taken with some show girls - he thought they were so pretty!
On Monday, we headed to The Venetian in the morning and then went to Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden exhibit at The Mirage that afternoon. Those were probably my favorites from the trip - The Venetian is just amazing inside and the animals at the exhibit were beautiful (and awake and walking around, despite the heat)!
{Hannah was mesmerized as our Gondola driver sang "You Are My Sunshine" to her, at our request}
{We were so close for the dolphin training exhibit}
Monday night, Grandma and Grandpa kept the littles at the hotel so Brad and I could go out for a little bit. We went to see the Las Vegas sign, drove by ATM, the company from the show "Tanked," went to buy cowboy boots, and went to the pawn shop from "Pawn Stars." We finally had dinner at The Bellagio before heading back to find the little lovelies all tucked in together:)
The next day, we traveled to the Grand Canyon, and that my friends, deserves its own post.