After a full day of travel prep and travel itself, with two little lovelies, we finally arrived. It's 7:30 am here, but I feel like it's 10:30. It's new and weird.
All in all, things went pretty well. I told myself all day that I was going to be the cool, calm, collected mom with two little kids at the airport. I figured if I made that my mantra it would be more likely to come true, and I actually think it helped a little. Throw up in the car? No big deal. Hannah running from the line at the airport? I've got this, as Hannah has learned to say. Wiggle worm on the plane because she can't find a comfy spot on my lap? No worries - I'll just jiggle and move her around until she falls asleep out of sheer exhaustion. I was rather impressed with myself.
So anyway, back to our travels...
I think I just keep getting better and better at packing. This time when we loaded the car, we could actually see out the back window and there weren't bags around all of our feet:) I came up with a system so that I wouldn't get carried away with outfits, and I kept the numbers of how many items of a certain kind to bring the same for each of us. It was very helpful. And now Jack is old enough to pick out his own clothes and count his items as well - so that was wonderful. Once things were packed, I had to quickly shuffle them out of sight before Hannah had a chance to unpack. Very typical!
Jack was also a super-big helper in that he straightened up the downstairs, the playroom, and his bedroom before we left, so we'll get to come home to a clean and tidy house. I love that.
On our travels to the airport, poor Hannah Bear got sick. Twice. Since this is the second time this has happened to us while traveling, I'm going to go ahead and say that Hannah gets carsick. Very unfortunate. However, now that I've recognized a pattern - next time I'll be more prepared. Plastic bags, bibs, and changes (yes, multiple) of clothes are necessary. That girl's a trooper though, I'll tell you what. Just a little whimpering, and a sad face, and then she'd be fine. Stopping on the side of the road to undress and clean a tiny tot and unpack/repack necessary supplies all while remaining cool, calm, and collected? I felt like Wonder Woman. Just sayin'.
Once we made it to the airport, Hannah seemed much better. The trickiest part for us was figuring out how to get all of our bags to the counter with two umbrella strollers and two car seats, but we did it! The line to get our tickets was very long, and we were worried we weren't going to make the flight. So much for a nice, sit-down dinner at the airport. The kids stayed busy in line, jumping on floor mats and running off. We decided to let them burn off some of that energy since we knew they'd be cooped up for so long.
Security was a breeze, and luckily our flight was slightly delayed so that we didn't miss it. We arrived at our gate in time to let everyone go to the bathroom and get some fast food before we started boarding.
Jack and Hannah both did wonderfully on the plane. They were thrilled during take-off, so I just tried to hide my intense fear. Having Hannah to snuggle up to was a good thing for me...
Jack watched part of a movie before he fell asleep, and Hannah dozed in and out, but had a hard time getting cozy. Brad and I took turns holding her. Five hours is a long time to fly - I don't like it. When we were landing, Jack was so sound asleep we could barely wake him, and Hannah just couldn't get close enough to the window to look at all the pretty lights. I'm glad they did so well on the plane - it could've gone much worse.
Grandma and Grandpa picked us up at the airport, and then we headed to our hotel. We unpacked the kids and got them into their jammies, ate a late-night snack, and went straight to bed.
Hannah is still sleeping, Jack woke up at 5 am Vegas time.
Today we're headed to Comic Con to see if our little man can meet some super heroes, and then we're not sure what's in store. I can't wait to see all that there is to do!

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