Tonight, when Hannah heard Daddy was home, she quickly hid under the table and laughed and laughed and laughed. She thought it was the best hiding spot ever. Needless to say, he found her pretty quickly:)
I think the terrible twos are arriving a bit early. Hannah throws a tantrum like you wouldn't believe as soon as she does not get her way. Uh oh.
Just the other day, she actually said, "No way," to me. I don't even remember what I asked her to do. Just that she said, "No way."
She also says, "You're not the boss of me." Lucky me, she learned that one from Jack saying it to her. Only now, she uses it on me.
When Hannah gets a craving, she comes up to me, smiles, and says, "Choc-o-lat?" It literally melts my heart into a puddle. Girlfriend's got my sweet tooth, and it makes me smile.
Also, when she asks me for a "peesh a candy?" How do you say no to that? You don't. That's how.
When we're driving in the car, and it's too bright, Hannah squints and says, "Shunshine eyes!" This is also how she asks for her sunglasses:)

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