So basically it was much easier to celebrate and see Grammy and Grampy's new house than it was to say goodbye to their old house. As of tonight, they are completely out. They've turned over the keys to the new owners and driven away for the last time...and it makes me sad.
The kids and I went over today to help them get a few last minute things, and I took some pictures of the empty house while we were there. I got a little choked's not easy to say goodbye to the house that you grew up in - that holds so many memories...
- visiting the house while it was being built through the winter
- starting high school
- running up the front steps the day I got my driver's license
- coming home from high school graduation to my Grandpa waiting in the kitchen
- coming home from college on the weekends
- running up the stairs and into my sister's room the day I ran back into Brad
- my bridal shower
- writing my wedding vows in the living room
- spending my last night in that house the night before our wedding
- throwing the surprise party for my parent's 25th wedding anniversary
- telling my parents we were pregnant
- my baby shower
Really - the list goes on and on. And that's not to say that there aren't unhappy memories, too. There are plenty. I'm sure every house/family has them. But I love that house. And I will miss it forever.
{They were so embarrassed I made them pose for this picture, but really it was necessary.}
Goodbye, home.

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