For those of you that aren't teachers - I'm not talking about pop-in-a-video-and-pass-out-a-worksheet sub plans, but sub plans where you're keeping the instructional flow. Where you're trying to keep the day as true to form for your students as possible. Those plans.
Anyway - they're awful. Simply awful.
I avoid them at all cost.
And for the record - Monday sub plans are worse. Monday is the beginning of a new week, new routines, the changing of classroom jobs, etc. You get the picture. AWFUL.
And then a letter came home from Jack's kindergarten teacher about his first field trip and about signing up for the possibility of being a chaperone. And it was going to be on a Monday.
Here's the deal - one day, Jack will not think it's cool if I chaperone his class on a field trip. He'd rather pay me to stay at work and to stay away from his school. At least, this is my best guess. But right now? He thinks I'm awesome. He smiles when I walk in the door.
So as much as I hate sub plans, I knew that I had to at least try to be a chaperone on this field trip. And then his teacher picked me:)
Rather than being upset about the plans, I was so excited to get this opportunity to go with Jack on his kindergarten field trip. I hunkered down and wrote the plans, and we'll see how that all went tomorrow. But today?
Today was awesome.
Take a peek.
Sub plans?
Any day.

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