For the first time in a really long time, Jack and Hannah are both healthier than me and Brad. Brad and I seem to have something we can't quite get rid of. A residual cough, headaches, and for me, ear pain. Today, while Jack and Hannah spent some time with Grandma and Grandpa, I went back to the doctor to see I was doing okay after a week of antibiotics.
Turns out both of my ears are near infection, so it's another round of antibiotics for me. Certainly explains why I've been getting dizzy when I stand up or why I feel like I'm still moving when the car comes to stop. Hopefully, I'll feel better in no time.
The funny thing is, that aside from the occasional dizzy spell, I actually feel quite good. I haven't lost my appetite, I'm not sneezing or blowing my nose constantly, I'm not exhausted or achy. Apparently the first antibiotic did a little something, so that's always good.
Brad? Hasn't been so lucky. He still feels pretty sick, and only went back to work towards the tail-end of last week.
Thank goodness that the littles are healthy - otherwise, this would be a very unhappy household!
In other news, while mourning the loss of Dexter (worst series finale I can remember, by the way - one blogger likened it to his best friend drop-kicking his puppy after eight years, and I tend to agree) and Breaking Bad (best series finale I can remember - thank you, Vince Gilligan!), Brad introduced me to The Walking Dead, and I'm hooked. I'm currently watching crazy amounts of The Walking Dead to catch up to the current season. Once you get past the zombie part, it's actually very good. I wouldn't advise snacking as you watch:)
Yesterday, I had lunch with my friend Julie, and her newborn baby boy, Thomas. It was so good to catch up after many, many months (too long, Julie!), and Thomas was just absolutely beautiful. I got to hold him while Julie went to the bathroom, and for a tiny moment, I wanted one more. And then it passed.
Today I met up with one of my past co-workers, Jeannette, and we chatted and shared work stories. Always so nice to catch up - and especially so when I can enjoy an adult lunch with friends while the littles play happily with Daddy or their grandparents.
Also, not sure if I've mentioned this on the blog or not, but I might be addicted to building things with Legos. Yesterday, Jack and I finished The Daily Bugle:
I'm looking forward to this weekend. Hoping that everyone is healthy and the sun is shining - I'm dying to take Jack and Hannah on a fall, farm outing. It's also time to decorate for Halloween - I can't believe it's already right around the corner!

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