Really, it's very simple. My new year's resolutions are never very shocking or original.
They're basic. They don't change much from year to year.
I just want to be better. To do better.
I want to be the best wife, mother, daughter, friend, teacher I can be. That's it.
This year - I'm trying to focus on Patience. Joy. Consistency.
Patience - I rush. All the time. I notice that I'm always rushing my kids. I'm usually running late, and then I get stressed about being on time, and I rush everyone around me. Tensions are always high before we actually get out the door. This has to change. Our children are little. They are slow-moving. I need to adapt.
Joy - I'm an anxious person. I stress myself out over stupid, small things. I get overwhelmed by the future, by schedules, by things to do. I tend to focus on the negative or the tiny little thing that could have been a tad bit better, and it overshadows everything else. I need to choose joy. To focus on the present and be happy. One day at a time.
Consistency - I'm an inconsistent person. I change my mind when the wind blows. Or when an adorable child smiles or bats his/her eyelashes. Or when a child whines or cries. Namely, my children. But other peoples' kids, too. I don't like the whining or crying, so I cave. And then it gets worse. This is part of the reason our children are unruly, and I know this to be true. I'm working on it. Knowing is half the battle, and we're making changes. What we say first, is what has to go.
These are my goals. So far, I still have a lot to work on.

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