Some of this revolves around the fact that Hannah is definitely two, and by this, I mean she has been testing us in the worst way since Christmas. Dinner time is a nightly unpleasant experience - between picky-eater Jack and stubborn Hannah, it never goes well, and it's difficult to prepare a family dinner that you know is going to end in tears. And some nights I'm worried it'll be our tears from sheer exhaustion and frustration. Maybe it's okay to eat macaroni and cheese every night to avoid such antics? We tend not to think so, but is the opposite worth it?
Anyway, when dinner is over and we clean up, it's time to get the kids ready for bed. They're usually tired and we're usually rushed to get them to bed on time, and by the time we leave Jack's room with them all brushed, washed, read to, and tucked in, we have nothing left. Maybe a few minutes on Pinterest or some mindless TV-watching before we fall asleep to do it all over again the next day.
I'm just saying it isn't easy... We wouldn't give it up for anything in the world, don't get me wrong. But it's the hardest kind of work. To be on and kind and patient when inside your inner monologue is going crazy and wishing for just two minutes alone that don't involve going to the bathroom.
And then there's this week, where I haven't had to work a single day. Which is nice. In fact, I'm almost entirely caught up with my school work - just in time to start report cards:) But it also means we've had a winter with lots of time together and inside. I've worked a total of 8 days this month, so that means all the other days have been days when we're home together, and for the most part, inside because of the uncharacteristically cold weather. And this comes directly after Winter Break, when we were home for two weeks together as well. I've seen The Grinch approximately 243 times. Poured numerous glasses of juice and opened millions of packets of fruit snacks. We've existed solely on showering with the little lovelies (minus last week) to keep them clean and avoid bath night. I've read the same stories over and over and over again. And I'm going a little stir-crazy. I'm just being honest.
So I've been AWOL on the blog because at the end of these crazy days, it seems like a little too much. But I'm trying to get back into it - I have many things to share. Funny stories and pictures and new year's resolutions. I know, new year's resolutions the last week of January seems a little silly, but still. I have them and I'm sharing.
Now excuse me while I go put on another cartoon and pour more glasses of juice.
I saw this post the other day - it's a good reminder. Maybe it will bring you a new perspective as well. I definitely needed it:)

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