He really is very great at building things and following Lego directions step-by-step. And normally, the mistakes he does make are because his brain is thinking three steps ahead. He puts things the way he knows they are going to be before he's necessarily ready for them to be that way. It's hard to explain, but I'm telling you he's a Lego-genius.
Anyhow, we were talking about how great he is at Legos, and I made the comment that maybe one day he'd be an engineer. To be fair, I don't really know what engineers do. I think I get them confused with architects. But Jack questioned the word engineer, and I tried to clarify by saying maybe he'd be an architect and plan buildings.
Daddy suggested that maybe one day he'd create a miniature black hole with super-electro magnets so that everyone in the world could have free energy and no one would be cold at night. (You can only imagine if I'm thrown by what engineers do, that this threw me for a loop.)
Jack thought about it for a few seconds, and then suggested that maybe he could use blueberries.
"Because that would make it more black."
I love the way that boy thinks. I really do.

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