This morning began when I heard a little sniffle coming from my side of the bed. I rolled over, opened my right eye (Remember? I have to open my eyes at different times to allow my left eye to adjust to light after a full night's sleep.), and listened to Hannah as she told me, "I pee pee'd in my bed."
"No, you didn't, Hannah. You have on a pull-up. Remember?" (Yes, we're back in pull-ups at night time for awhile. Mama can only change the sheets so many times before her back starts to really hurt.)
"My bed is wet."
I opened my other eye and pulled myself out of bed. We went to check out the bed situation. Sure enough, it was wet. Not sure how she pulled that off, but we stripped her bed (again!) and got her changed. We got some juice and turned on some cartoons.
Our day had begun.
Within an hour, Miss Hannah had pretty green toenails with gold glitter specks. And I only had to paint her big toe four times before she let it fully dry :)
While I cleaned up the office (note: scanned, filed, organized, shredded the millions of pieces of paper my littles produce within a week), the kids did some artwork at their little work station. It makes me happy. Posting soon, I promise.
Then, somehow, they got inspired to throw a pretend birthday party for Jack. They went to work decorating the family room while I attempted to plan parts of our upcoming Disney vacation. (I know, more on that coming soon!)
I didn't plan for long. It's overwhelming, so I wrapped that up and decided to make lunch. Lunch - I can do :)
After lunch (only two spills!), we watched a cartoon together in our bed, and then I napped with the littles. I love these times so much - I can't even tell you.
Don't they look so cozy?
After nap, we decided to go outside and play in the snow for a bit. We shoveled the driveway and did some sledding on the side of the house. This time, both of them enjoyed the sled!
When I finished shoveling, I sent Brad a text:
I decided to be a bit adventurous and do a painting project with the kiddos before Daddy got home. We don't do a ton of painting around here, but I found this cute idea on Pinterest, and I thought the kids would enjoy it. I was impressed with their work, and they couldn't wait to show Daddy when he got home!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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