I say fighting because it usually involves a tiny bit of wrestling, some sweating, and Hannah eventually falling limp. Which means she wins. Anytime I'm sweating before 7:15 am means I've lost. So she's gone to school in jeans. I take her shorts, just in case - but when I pick her up? Jeans.
This morning, for some miraculous reason, I finally won. I was able to sneak them on her little legs before she noticed she was wearing shorts. She put up one little complaint, and then just said, "Okay." I didn't say a word. I just slowly backed away so as not to upset the atmosphere. I packed jeans in the event that she got to school and had a complete meltdown.
It was a little cool when we left, but I figured it would warm up later in the morning. It was supposed to hit 82 degrees today. When I went out for recess at 11:45, it was 62 degrees. Wonderful. Now my little girl is cold and will never trust me to wear shorts again. Thankyouverymuchweatherforecaster.
I called school and kindly asked that they change Hannah into her back-up jeans. Thank goodness they love us because otherwise, I'm pretty sure I'd drive them crazy!
Funny enough - as I stressed through my recess worrying about my chilly children - Miss Hannah was apparently sweating from all of the fun activity she had outside. At pick-up, Miss Keyana told me that when they came in, Hannah informed her that she "made a accident." This caught Miss Keyana a tiny bit off-guard because that's not usually the case, so she went to see what happened. She very kindly explained to Hannah Bear that she hadn't gone potty and that she was just sweaty :)
"Oh. Okay." So she pulled up her pants and went on her merry way. Just like that.
Tonight at dinner, Daddy was prepping Jack for their next round of The Animal Game. Hannah decided she wanted to play. She scrunched up her little nose and said, "Let me think. A princess isn't an animal...a horse! A horse is an animal!" clearly remembering her last attempt at the game.
I decided to try to help her out once again. I leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Shh, don't tell the boys. A kitty cat."
She smiled.
Jack asked her, "What color is it?"
"Pink!" she shouted, with great excitement.
"A flamingo?" Daddy asked.
"A mingo? A mingo isn't an animal..."
I explained to her that a flamingo is a pink bird.
"I don't like birds," she told her daddy.
Jack asked her, "Does it have a tail?"
"No," she quickly answered, as I give her my WHAT?! face. "It's a kitty cat!" she told them.
And they just smiled because they know. And Jack? He said, "Good thinking, Hannah. That was very good," because he's learning.
Tonight, they made trees. Jack is teaching Hannah all about his love of art, and it makes me smile.

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