Saturday night, on our date night, Brad and I stopped into Target after dinner and a movie to pick out a lunch box and a thermos for our little man. We settled on Spider-Man (of course!) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Last night, after Sunday Steak Dinner, I made lunch like I imagine the best mommies do. I pretended that this is a task I will not grow to despise before the end of the first week of school. I even added the lunch box note. And then I was worried the condensation from the thermos would smear the note before Jack would have a chance to read it. So I put the note inside a baggie.
I couldn't wait to pick Jack up from school today to hear about his special lunch. When I first saw him and asked about how it went, he said it was fun. So I asked him if he found anything special inside his lunch box. He said he found strawberries, blueberries, and bananas.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"A Lunchable," he told me.
"Anything else?" I asked again.
"Did you see the note?"
With his little nose scrunched up, he asked, "Was I supposed to give that to my teacher?"
"No, silly - the note was for you!"
We went inside, and I went digging for the note to show him how much I cared. I found the note, still in its plastic baggie, but I also found all of the trash from Jack's lunch. Hard bologna, yogurt that had spilled all over the inside, uneaten cookies that had gone stale...
Apparently, he hadn't eaten fast enough, and in his new surroundings, decided to stash his food back into his lunch box. We had a chat about using the trash can in the future (there were apparently five available, a tidbit he shared, but he still chose not to use one).
It wasn't until after dinner that he finally settled down to read his lunch note. I think he thought it was pretty cute, even if it didn't go anything like I'd envisioned in my head. I'm learning that it never does!
And just because - here's this sweet, little beauty this morning before I had to wake her up. Sometimes, she takes my breath away...

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