Stick with me here because I have to back-track a bit.
I think I have developed adult ADD. Seriously.
I've noticed that I have a lot of projects and ideas swimming around in my head, but I have a hard time completing them, or following through. If I'm honest, sometimes I have a hard time even getting started. I would almost always describe myself as feeling overwhelmed. I have a hard time completing thoughts aloud. The list goes on...
In October, I went on a road trip with my mom and my sister, and I brought up the idea that maybe I have ADD, and they both pretty much laughed and said, "You think so?" very sarcastically. Which started a whole conversation as to how they'd previously never brought this to my attention, but that's another story.
One thing I've noticed about myself, is that I thrive on structure and routine. When I don't have a set routine for something - it rarely gets done. For example, every year over summer break - I turn into a sloth. On the weekends, if I don't have plans, I do a lot of napping. I really have to push myself to complete tasks. But - if I have a routine - I usually follow-through.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to blog more frequently and to finally get it caught up so that I can print the last two years of our blog. I'm so behind that this is an incredibly overwhelming task. Which is why it hasn't gotten done.
And then it hit me! I need a blogging routine that is realistic. I need to be able to jot down post ideas during the week (when I'm exhausted and have school work and shows and reading to do) and then blog those posts on the weekend when I have some more time to really focus and write.
Let's see how I do.

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