She did it again.
This morning was a little rough. The kids are so out of their routine, and were so super-sleepy when I woke them up this morning. Getting ready and drop-off went smoother than I expected, but I was sad that our extra time together was over, and I was missing my adorable children when I got to work.
And then I got an email from my mama friend. She'd come across someone else's blog post, and felt like it said exactly what she wanted to say to me - so she forwarded it my way and added that I do amazing work.
See for yourself - click here to read the post.
I read it during indoor recess and before I knew it, I was crying. Not big splashy tears because my, that would've been embarrassing, but I definitely had to get a tissue and wipe my eyes. My horrible mommy-moment outside of Hannah's classroom came racing back - the way I'd felt like I'd failed. Like every day I'm there for other peoples' kids, but I couldn't get to her Christmas sing-along on time.
This mom...she gets it.
I felt so appreciated. So I sent her a link to the blog post that I'd written about her, and we marveled about how good we can make each other feel if we're willing to be a little vulnerable and tell people what we're really thinking.
Our mommy-hearts are full today. I hope yours is, too.

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