At the picnic alone Jack:
swung with Grampy...
and with Daddy...
cuddled with Grampy...
stored Potato Head in the cooler...
(Grammy said, "He's chillin'")
played with the big boys...
found a stick that he loved...
spied on the doggies with Maya...
explored the tunnels at the park...
found a new kind of slide...
played in the SAND...
fed the geese with Daddy...
kept some of the bread for himself...
hugged his third cousin...
and sort of posed for a family photo.
I'm exhausted just thinking about all of that, and he did it without a nap! Needless to say he fell asleep in the car before we left the parking lot, but my goodness, our boy was busy!
On another note, today was Grandpa's birthday. Jack, Daddy, and I called him this morning to wish him a happy birthday. Jack is adorable when talking on the phone now (note to self: catch on video), but I still have to relay each message:) This evening we went out for dinner and then back to Ray and Diane's for dessert, but I forgot my camera:( I'm thinking I should just leave it in my purse...might make things easier. Anyway, just wanted to take this extra opportunity to say Happy Birthday, Grandpa! Hope you had a great day - you deserve it!

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