She was so tiny and adorable - not even eight pounds - but we quickly learned that Gracie-girl was first afraid and then not excited about our new addition. Gracie was miserable, and I felt so bad. I cried for an entire weekend, and truly Cuddlebug and I did not bond for weeks. She was Brad's doggy at first.
Until one early morning in November, Belle woke me up because she had to go outside. It was probably 4 am, and she was so tiny she couldn't go downstairs alone, so I had to carry her down. It was bitter cold outside, and her tiny little body was shaking like a leaf. She looked up at me with the saddest puppy dog eyes, and my heart broke. From that moment, I was smitten.
A few weeks later, Belle ate some Christmas potpouri and nearly died. I was scared to death, and this time, early in the morning, we made our way to the puppy emergency room. I could barely breathe. I waited for days for her to eat or drink anything, and finally, she took a tiny sip of water and didn't get sick afterwards. I was so happy, I could've thrown a party. Cuddlebug was going to be okay.
After that incident, we noticed that more and more things were being eaten around the house, and we assumed it was Belle. She spent a lot of time in trouble.
Household plants
Presentation notes
It wasn't until months later we realized that the culprit was actually Gracie, Belle's very jealous sister. But in all the time Belle was in trouble, she never once stopped snuggling and loving on us. She is such a sweetheart.
When Jack came along, she accepted him whole-heartedly. They are the best of friends, and we love watching them together.
Two weeks old
Relaxing on the boppy pillow
Keeping Jack's spot warm after he went to bed
Today, we celebrated Cuddlebug's fourth birthday. Check out the photos from our little birthday party!
Birthday kisses
Belle and Jack blow out the candle
Jack picked out these mini-cupcakes at the grocery store
Peanut butter ice cream for the birthday girl
How a two-year old eats a cupcake:)
Cuddlebug, You are such a fun-loving puppy dog, and we are so lucky to have you as part of our family. You might cause a lot of trouble and make a lot of huffing noises, but you're always ready to snuggle. When we're sad, you cheer us up because you're always happy and ready to play. You're definitely a glass-half-full kind of girl:) You might be slightly blind, but you have the best hearing, and we know we're safe when you're on-guard. We love the way you howl like a hound dog. You do know that you weigh less than 17 pounds, right?! We love watching you try to get Gracie to play and the way that you love Baby Jack. You have loved him from the very start, and Daddy and I are very thankful for that. Please teach your sister how to love him that much as well. We love you, and we hope you had a happy birthday!

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