Jack did some more rolling down the hill (with Ryan, this time). None of my pictures came out that clearly though:(
The rest of us napped...or rather, tried to nap (somewhat hard with a two year old and five dogs present).
We had some really good pizza for dinner and then headed back to our hotel. The next morning, we flew home. Jack fell asleep about thirty seconds into take-off (that's right, as we were rocketing towards space), and didn't move until after we landed. I'm so glad that he does so well with airplanes:)
He also loved the various shuttles we had to take in the airports. Maybe because of the freedom not being in a carseat allows?
All in all, it was a really fun trip and went much more smoothly than either Brad or I had anticipated. We're so lucky that Jack is so flexible in his schedule...thank goodness!
Remember how I mentioned that I'm tired? I'm beginning to understand what people mean when they say "terrible-two's." It's incredibly ex.haust.ing. Seriously. The indecisiveness. The mood swings. The whining. I'm learning that parenting is all about patience. And lately, I've really been working on mine. Lately, it's been a must that I work on my patience because my goodness, some days I can barely stand it. He's so adorable...so sweet, and his speech is coming along fantastically, but he still struggles to voice his needs/wants rather than whine or cry. And what he wants one second is not necessarily what he meant or really wants the next second. Patience. is. a. virtue.
Also. POTTY-TRAINING!!!!! Craziness, I tell you. What's really wrong with diapers anyway? I'm so proud that he's only a few months into being two and mostly potty-trained, but that is also a major challenge. Jack goes to the bathroom more than anyone else I know, and no matter what time of day I plan on taking my shower (even if it's right after he's gone to the bathroom), he ALWAYS has to go while I'm in there. Which, incidentally, always results in a lot of clean up and laundry. I used to really like laundry. Now...not so much.
All this being said - I miss him like crazy when he's not around. This weekend, I took Brad on an overnight getaway, and my parents kept Jack (and the doggies!) overnight. I had such a good time with my hubby, and we laughed and had a very nice, quiet dinner. But I told Brad in the morning that I woke up at 1:36 am, ready and willing to go get Baby Jack:)
Here's a sneak-peek at my next post about our getaway:
Can you guess where we went?
Gotta run...the washing machine is beeping at me, but leave a mama some love!

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