Baby Jack,
Tomorrow you will be 28 1/2 months old! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by, but Mommy and Daddy want you to know how very much you are loved and that the past 28 1/2 months have been the happiest months of our entire lives. Getting to watch you grow and change each day is an amazing adventure that we continually cherish...
Right now you weigh about 29 pounds, which is a little on the light side, but we're not worried. While you are a little picky about what you eat, once we can settle on something you like, you do a good job of eating it all:) You're wearing mostly 2T clothing, but occasionally you wear 18-24 month pants (because of that tiny little waist of yours). You would wear your Buzz t-shirt 24/7 if I let you (but I don't). You love, love, love to wear your Buzz shoes or your Spiderman shoes. And it goes without saying that that's only when you aren't wearing your cowboy boots.

You love to drive your car and motorcycle (aka - tricycle) around the house. Lately, you've been driving to the bathroom when you have to go and parking next to the toilet. It's actually pretty darn adorable. You also love to play with Mr. Potato Head still, and lately you've taken to making new faces because for the longest time, you could only make one very specific face. You're always asking me to "play wif cars," or you'll say, "Can we build sometin, Mama?" Which, oh my word, how could I possibly say no to that?
Sometimes you'll let me pose you for pictures - which I'm loving. Sometimes you very clearly state, "No pikters, Mama," and I can understand that because I DO take LOTS of pictures. You're just the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole entire life. You love to watch movies, and we're very impressed with your attention span. Now you can turn the movie on all by yourself (TV and DVD player); all I have to do is hit the play button on the remote which you haven't quite figured out but you're working on it. Almost every day, when I ask you what you did at school, you tell me that you built a castle. I have yet to figure out if that's true, but it's pretty cute because you're so sure that's what you did.

Have I told you that I used to HATE feet before you came along? It's true - I really did. And now? I just can't get enough of yours. Look at how cute they are? You have these adorably chubby toes that I just can't help but kiss and nibble as often as I can because I know one day you won't let me and (let's be honest) I won't want to.
You also love to sing. You know the words (although not consistently) to the ABC's, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle, Five Little Monkeys, London Bridge, Rain Rain Go Away, the clean-up song, and Skinna Marinky Dinky Do (sp?). I usually recognize the tune and try to chime in, but you don't seem to like it when I sing too much. The picture below may be an absolute favorite of mine (note the tummy).
Speaking of tummies, you're losing yours! The doctor warned me, but I didn't believe her. She said by the time you turn three, your tummy would be flatter like big kids rather than chubby like a toddlers. Boo hoo:(
You love your daddy so much. When you hear the garage door open, you make a beeline for the door. You run and jump into his arms. You peek into the mirror to look at your faces. Too cute. Sometimes you like to snuggle up with him before bedtime and watch a bit of
Wall-E, but then you scoot down and come down the hallway so that you can snuggle up with me and read a book before bedtime.
You love to read books. We read every night, and you've even memorized some of the words to your favorite books like
Bear Snores On and
Toy Trouble (yes, that's a
Toy Story 2 book I've read to you no less than 539 times).
Can you tell how much we love you? Because we really do.