{Jack's reindeer hat that he wore for his school Christmas party}
{Jack and a friend enjoy some Oreos}
We asked Jack what he was going to tell Santa that he wanted for Christmas, and once our little man started making his list, he NEVER stopped. Maybe we started a bit too early!
{He and a friend posed for some pictures...}
{they were so funny...}
{and just didn't want to stop!}
For a month, Jack's Christmas list has steadily risen. Originally, he said he wanted a Buzz Box. Yes, not the $50 Buzz that comes inside the box, but the actual box. You know...in the shape of spaceship? Yeah, that one. And Woody. How could I forget?
{Waiting in line to see Santa - ALL SMILES}
{Beautiful decorations}
But then, he saw some trains on some of his videos that interested him. He'd come to get me from the kitchen or office, take my hand in his little paw, and say, "Mama, come here, I have to show you sumptin." He'd proceed to ask me to "go back," and then he'd point to the obscure toy that he wanted Santa to bring him. A shape-sorting Noah's Ark, a playground full of balls (no, I'm not kidding), a horse...one that he calls Bullseye (from Toy Story, if you weren't sure).
{Practicing his BIG smile}
In fact, when he showed me a real horse, I knew we were in trouble. I thought seven year old girls asked for ponies, but here, at 2 1/2 my son adamantly explains that he would like one too. Uh, oh. He is NOT getting a horse for Christmas.
{Me and My Boy}
The list went on and on. I explained that he'd have to tell Santa about the things he wants for Christmas, and we talked about sitting on Santa's lap and showing off his big smile. He kept asking to see Santa, and he seemed all ready to go. Up until we actually sat on Santa's lap, and then...well, you know what happened.
I hope that even though his monstrous list most likely won't be filled, Jack will still be very pleased with the toys that Santa will bring him. I can't wait to take those pictures...

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