I am forever thankful for the adorable positions I find my little man in first thing in the morning.
That also reminds me of two other things I'm thankful for today - Jack slept in his bed all night and didn't get up to go potty or to see me in the middle of the night:) and he slept in this morning until 7:30. I was so happy!
As I was putting on my makeup this morning, Jack came running through the foyer screaming, "I love you soooo much because I ate all my breaktif (breakfast)!" I am so thankful for you, Baby Jack. You brighten my every day!
The first snow of the season.
A two-hour early school closing which allowed me to have lunch with my mom.
The opportunity to read to Jack's class this afternoon. The two's really seemed to enjoy Santa's Stuck!
The understanding assistant director at Jack's school who listened to my concerns about the weather policy and made me feel much better. I didn't necessarily get what I want, so I'm going to have to ask my dad about what strings he pulled to get the bus stop location moved. However, she did make me feel much better, and I believe that Jack will be well-taken care of.
The irony in finding out that when the students went out to play in the snow today, my little man was the last one to come in as he didn't want to stop playing with the snowflakes. Wouldn't that just be the case?
Jack's teacher for knowing him so well that she accurately predicted the outfit he'd be wearing tomorrow for their holiday party - a plaid shirt, a sweater vest, and a pair of jeans. She obviously knows my taste as well...
My sister for agreeing to wait in the line to see Santa with me and Jack tomorrow afternoon.
Cuddlebug, for loving my little man so entirely, even though he chases her constantly and sometimes pulls her tail. Or ears. Or paws.
My husband for bringing home yummy Taco Bell because this mama was just way too tired to cook.
And finally, the Hoodie-Footie commercial that made me laugh harder than I've laughed in a long time.
What a good day!

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