It's been awhile, and I apologize. This whole working, mommy, blogger thing is harder than it may seem. Some nights, as much as I want to write, I'm just way too exhausted to muster up the energy:(
Today when I picked Jack up from school, he was just as excited to see me as he always is, but after we snuggled a bit, his teacher asked him if he wanted to tell me what happened today. Uh oh - I knew this was not going to be good.
I asked Jack what happened, and at first, he said, "I don't know what happened today," and shrugged his little shoulders. Then when I asked again, he very clearly said, "I hit Trenton." Lovely. To say the least, we had a chat, and he apologized to Trenton. Tomorrow at drop-off, I'll surely give Jack a warning to keep his hands to himself.
I have to say...I was loving the honesty and the to-the-point nature in which he shared with me. He repeated this performance when Daddy came home this evening, only this time, he added some new details. "I hit Trenton in the face. And Graham." Again...a talking to.
Right now, Jack is talking up a storm, and it's pretty adorable. Occasionally, as is normal for toddlers his age, his speech isn't perfect. For example:
Buzz and Boody = Who else?!?!?!?!? The boy only talks about Buzz and Woody...
Macamoni = Macaroni and cheese (this may be my favorite)
Chris-Chris = Christmas, as in, "Mama, look at the Chris-chris tree!"
He often refers to himself in the third person, although he uses all the other pronouns properly 90% of the time.
Booberries = Blueberries. Jack LOVES blueberries.
Perhaps you were wondering why Jack was playing in the dog bed on Sunday. Allow me to explain. While I was napping (and let me be clear, Jack was also meant to be napping), Jack decided to reorganize his bedroom. When I woke up, he was in the dog bed next to me, playing with his toys.
When I worked my way to his room ("I didn't take a nap Mommy. I made a mess."), this is what I encountered:
Obviously, he'd been quite busy. The ENTIRE nap time. I slept great, though!
Jack is currently in a new stage where he LOVES to sing. A lot. Tonight he gave two concert performances - one for my mom and dad, and one for Daddy. Here's a bit of his second performance (and his new 'do):
Hope you enjoyed these Jack highlights:) He definitely keeps us on our toes.

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