Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 16 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut is four to five inches long and weighs about three to five ounces.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Peanut can hear my voice, and his/her back muscles are strengthening, allowing Baby to stretch out.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 12 lbs
Maternity Clothes: For work, I'm still wearing regular clothes; I'm just not able to button my pants all the way. On the weekends, I've been wearing maternity jeans because they are just so much more comfortable at this point.
Gender: Four weeks to go as long as Peanut cooperates at our next ultrasound appointment. Brad and I are dying to find out:)
Movement: A couple of times I've thought yes, but then I start paying more attention, and the feeling goes away!
Sleep: I've been sleeping wonderfully this week.
What I miss: Allowing Jack to jump and wrestle with me as much as he wants to.
Cravings: Cereal and milk. And Mexican food; I'd really like some Mexican food.
Symptoms: My belly is feeling heavier and heavier.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Belly kisses from Cuddlebug

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