Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 17 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut is about the size of my palm and weighs about five ounces.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Peanut is developing some body fat, and I have to say, that makes me pretty happy because I certainly feel like I shouldn't be the only one. Baby is also practicing his/her sucking and swallowing skills.
Total Weight Gain: Gained 13.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: It finally had to happen. After three attempts on Valentine's Day, I finally had to succumb to wearing maternity pants to work. Lucky me, I got a text from my hubby saying how beautiful I looked that morning - to which I responded, "Thank you...I needed that. Especially on a day I feel like a stuffed sausage."
Gender: I have the paper to make the appointment - we're just a couple of weeks away from finding out Peanut's gender.
Movement: I don't really know...nothing definite at this point.
Sleep: Oh, how I love sleep!
What I miss: My normal clothes!
Cravings: Watermelon and strawberries.
Symptoms: I seem to have a little pain on the left side of my rear end...not sure what that's about.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Hearing Peanut's healthy heartbeat on Valentine's Day! 150 beats per minute. Oh, how I love that "woosha woosha" sound.

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