How Far Along: 19 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs about a half a pound and is about six inches long - about the size of a large mango (a mango sounds really good right about now). A little growth spurt this week - which I'm using to explain the fact that I'm constantly starving!
Baby's Developmental Milestones: The baby has developed his/her waxy, white coating called the vernix which protects him/her from being surrounded by amniotic fluid - so as not to be so wrinkly upon arrival:) Arms and legs are now in proportion, and cartilage in Peanut's body is changing to bone.
Total Weight Gain: I've gained 15 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I 'm pretty much wearing mostly maternity clothes at this point with the exception of a few shirts that still fit and look pretty cute. Pants are a whole other story!
Gender: I feel like Brad and I are counting down the hours until Friday morning's appointment.
Movement: Peanut is definitely moving around! I felt the baby kick for the first time on Wednesday, and then again this morning.
Sleep: I still sleep pretty well, but I've lost the ability to sleep on my stomach. And I'm having to prop my belly up with a pillow to get cozy, but it works just fine for me.
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: I just can't seem to feel full, but I'm not really craving anything in particular. Is that worse?
Symptoms: A very hearty appetite:)
Gender: I feel like Brad and I are counting down the hours until Friday morning's appointment.
Movement: Peanut is definitely moving around! I felt the baby kick for the first time on Wednesday, and then again this morning.
Sleep: I still sleep pretty well, but I've lost the ability to sleep on my stomach. And I'm having to prop my belly up with a pillow to get cozy, but it works just fine for me.
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: I just can't seem to feel full, but I'm not really craving anything in particular. Is that worse?
Symptoms: A very hearty appetite:)
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Feeling Peanut moving around.

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