"I don't like the way my hair looks." Just like that. Straight-faced and matter-of-fact.
It's okay, you can giggle. So did I.
"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to use my most serious voice.
"I don't like how it's all standing up in the back." This statement immediately told me that while stopping at the bathroom on the way to see me, Jack had not only gone potty, but also hopped up on his step stool to check himself out in the mirror. An adorable image, if you ask me.
"That's okay, Baby. We can spray it down, and it will be better in no time."
Awhile ago, we'd purchased some solution that I refer to as our "Crazy Baby Hair Spray," but Jack has never let me come close to using it on him in the past. I was sure he'd change his mind when it came time to spray him, but apparently his hair was bothersome enough that he didn't mind after all.
While I was spraying and reshaping Jack's hair, he looked on in the mirror, and as it started to be a little bit more acceptable to my son, he sighed and said, "I guess I can handle that part."
The funny part of that statement is that he meant that phrase the same way that I use it. He asks for orange juice after I just sat down, and I might say, "Well, I guess I can handle that," or he'll ask me to do something just as I start dinner, and I'll say, "Buddy, I can't handle that right now." So it wasn't that he was going to use the spray himself, but that he could put up with the way it looked after some fixing attempts were made. I know, I had to giggle too.
He's so darn cute. I love him more than words can say.

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