Last Friday, Daddy got home early from work because he attended Jack's Father's Day party at school. We decided to pack up the kiddos and do something fun with our extra time together as a family, so for the first time this season (yes, they'll be others), we went turtle huntin'.
I know, it sounds funny right?
It's like our own version of a suburban Swamp People. And for the record, it's one of Brad and Jack's favorite things to do. We swung by Harris Teeter, picked up some chicken legs, and headed to a local nature preserve where we proceeded to catch turtles. Rather, Daddy and Jack proceeded to catch turtles, and Hannah and I looked on and took pictures:)
Turtle #1
This was the only picture I could get of Jack. He was running around so excited, and all the other shots came out way too blurry!
"But I don't want to hunt turtles!"
Pretty girl
They really like chicken.
A lot.
Her hair was blowing in the breeze - we're getting closer and closer to ponytails.
Using her sippy cup
Turtle #2 was not as happy.
Quite a dinosaur...
Don't worry. After Brad pulled the turtles out to take a peek, he carefully put them back into the swamp. No turtles were hurt, only admired. Well, admired by most of us, anyway:)
And while the next pictures were very underexposed...they were just too precious to delete. So I tried to make them work.
Have I ever told you I'm in love? Because I am.

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