I'm very behind, and I'm sorry. I took these pictures at least three weeks ago. And I uploaded them into this post at least a week and a half ago, but then it's taken me this long to actually write it, and now, things have already changed and you're closer to eleven months than ten. I don't think you'll mind though, so I'm just going to go with it. I promise to be more timely in your next monthly post.
At your last well visit, you weighed 18 pounds and 11 ounces, but my guess is that right now, you are closer to 20 pounds. You're in the 50th percentile for weight, but in the 25th percentile for height (you were 27 1/2 inches long). Maybe you'll be on the petite side like your mama...we'll have to see, Baby Girl.
You have a very fun personality, and it's oh-so-different from Jack's. You seem to be more strong-willed, more independent, and more likely to take a risk. You try every new food we offer you, and you eat it like it's going out of style. Everyone around you comments on what a great eater you are! Thank you for that! Maybe Jack will come around with your influence...
You make the most expressive faces. We can tell when you're silly and when you're upset very easily just by what your eyebrows are doing. You have the cutest little belly laugh and you love to be tickled.
You wear a size four diaper and most of your clothing is 12 months, although you can still wear some of your 9 month dresses. We took you for your first shoes just the other day, and you are wearing size 4 shoes. I can't believe it. We thought it was about time for a pair of shoes since you are eagerly trying to take steps on your own. When we're out in public, you want to be put down to explore, so it's probably best that those little tootsies are covered up:)
You no longer enjoy our monthly photo shoots because you do not want to be told where to sit or for how long to stay there. At all. In fact, you very rarely ever stop moving. Recently, when you are really tired, you've developed a little tendency to rest your head on our shoulders, but it doesn't happen often and you certainly don't stay like that for long. Just long enough to tease us a bit.
You have the saddest little cry, and I just hate to see it. Breaks this Mama's heart, and you know it. As soon as I pick you up, it goes away!
At the time I took these pictures and uploaded them onto the post, you were still my gummy girl with no teeth. Since then, you have one little, bottom tooth, and it's the most adorable thing... I was thinking that you were teething for a very long time. In fact, just a few days before I got out of work for the summer, you came down with a fever, and I was sure it was because you were teething. We stayed home and snuggled, but you weren't sleeping, drinking, or eating well. After a middle of the night call to the doctor and a trip to Harris Teeter for baby ibuprofen, the fever finally broke, but we were instructed to go to the doctor in the morning. You had a poor virus all along, Peanut, and I was just waiting for a tooth. I felt so bad... After three sleepless nights, you finally started to feel better. Still no tooth, though. It wasn't until about a week later that that little bugger showed up!
You love to play with Jack, but not at all with your toys. You only want to play with Jack's toys and things that have small pieces. It's a tricky thing to navigate, that's for sure. You can already say Mama, Dada, and bye bye (with a corresponding wave), and you have finally mastered that blowing kisses also involves your hand:) We're also working on signing, and the other day, I swear you signed please when you wanted some of my food. I think they must be practicing with you at school, too!
You get so excited when I come to pick you up from school or when you see someone you know. Your little, chubby legs go crazy, and it's so fun to see. You love to dance, and you like to be sung to as well. We like to sing, "Found a Peanut" and "The Wheels on the Bus". They seem to be your favorites.
Hannah Bear, You are the sweetest, most precious little girl I've ever known. And we're so happy that you're ours. Jack dotes on you, and your daddy is in awe of how much he loves you. You have changed our lives and made our family complete. We simply can't believe that in a little over a month, you will be one year old. I still remember barely being able to roll over because I was so pregnant with you at this time last year. And now look at you... I just can't get over it. Motherhood is an amazing thing, and I thank you and your brother for giving me the greatest experience of my life. I love you, Sweet Girl.

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