*It's late Saturday afternoon, and the littles are sleeping. The truly lovely thing is that I napped too, I just happened to wake up feeling naturally rested while they're both still asleep. So, so perfect! I'm sitting here, snacking on pistachios and updating my blog:)*
*After typing the above, as if right on cue, Baby Girl woke up from her nap!*
The way we play The Animal Game is that one person thinks of an animal and keeps it a secret. The other person has to ask yes or no questions to try and determine what said animal is. For example, "Does it have four legs?" or "Is it a carnivore?"
Truth be told, Brad doesn't think I'm very good at the animal game because even though I think I know the answers to these questions, I often don't:) Which means that I've inadvertently misdirected him into not being able to guess my animal. It's still fun - we laugh about it actually. Especially the time I was thinking of an octopus, and he asked me if the animal made a distinct sound. I said yes. Octopi on TV always seem to make a bubbling noise, or so I imagine. Made perfect sense to me...
Anyhow, this week, Brad taught Jack how to play, but he changed it up a little bit so that Jack could be successful at his young age. He taught Jack to think of an animal and then give descriptive phrases until the other person guesses the animal. I heard them playing the other night for half an hour after I'd left the room, giggling and chatting.
The next night my jealousy took over, and I asked if I could play one round. I described a sloth to the best of my ability, but Jack couldn't guess it. Without even thinking, I said, "I tricked you - it was a sloth!" gave him a kiss and let the boys be.
Poor Brad spent the next half hour explaining that you don't "trick" your partner, that I just meant that Jack hadn't guessed my animal. Apparently Jack was thinking of an animal, and then changing his animal when Brad was getting close. Oops:(
Anyway, now we're back on track, and every night, Jack asks to play the animal game. The other night, they decided to play while I was still in the room. The first thing Jack said to me was, "No tricking, Mommy!"
This is how it went:
Jack: I have four legs. I have black eyes. I have a green shell. Actually...I have four flippers, like to swim in the ocean.
Daddy: Hmm...are you a snapping turtle? (playing along)
Jack: Noooo... (big smiles)
Mommy: I know! I know! Are you a sea turtle?
Jack: Yes, a green sea turtle!
Next it was my turn:
Mommy: I'm a bird. I have pink feathers. I like to stand on one foot. I live where it's warm.
Jack: What does it eat?
Mommy: Hmmm...I think it eats fish.
Daddy: No. (shaking his head)
Mommy: Oh, I think it eats plants.
Daddy: No. (still shaking his head)
Jack: But, Mommy...what does it eat?!
Mommy: I don't know what it eats Jack, but think of a pink bird that stands on one leg and lives where it's warm! (For the rest of you who also don't know what flamingos eat, I have since learned they eat crustaceans, which is why their beaks are shaped the way they are.)
Jack: A mingo?!
Mommy: That's right! A flamingo!
Jack had another turn in which he described a pig (four legs, pink, a little tail, like that kind of curls). I realized he gets his inspiration from his headboard. He has a sea turtle that lights stars up on his ceiling and a piggy bank nearby. Cute:)
After our fun, I thanked my boys for letting me play, and then excused myself so that they could have guy time. I'm sure the game goes much smoother when I'm not in the room!

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