She rolled over, stood up, and kept walking away and then coming back to give me a hug and a kiss. Over and over again. It seriously was the cutest thing.
Literally - she'd waddle away. Turn around. Waddle back with arms outstretched for my neck.
I couldn't get enough. Made my day before it barely started:)
After school, but on the way to the store this evening, Jack announced, "Mama, I had a rough day."
"Why, Baby?"
"I was just working so hard," he sighed.
"What were you working on?"
"Oh, I was just doing lots of different things at school."
"Oh, I'm sorry that you had a rough day at school, Sweetie. Hopefully, we'll have a good evening though."
What else could I say? I was trying to memorize his exact words for this post - he was so serious. And the tone that came out of his little mouth? My tone - after a long, hard day at work!

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