But, seriously? Perfect days have been had. And I know that there's more to come...
Last week, we had a low-key Monday, but I took the kids to McDonald's for lunch because Jack really loves to play on their indoor playground. That evening, I took the two of them to the pool for the first time by myself. It wasn't easy!
Tuesday was Hannah's actual birthday, and we spent the morning at the park with our best friends before it got too hot. We visited Grandma in the hospital (she just had knee replacement surgery and is doing very well!), and then I took them to a birthday lunch at On the Border. While they did well, they were both sleepy and ready for naps. After lunch, we went home, snoozed, and then went over to Grammy and Grampy's for dinner. Poor Brad had to travel, but made it home in time to give Hannah bedtime kisses and the sweetest Swarovski ladybug you've ever seen:)
I honestly can't remember what we did Thursday evening!
Friday was tons of fun though - we had an early morning play date with our best friends at the house, and then we went to Potbelly's for lunch and let the kids play on a nearby playground. We came home for naps and then went to the pool together. Such a good day...
Saturday was a lazy day around the house, but that night, Brad and I decided to take the kids to the mall. We did a little shopping, ate dinner, let the kids play on the playground, and then rode the train. We had such a good time, but I didn't really take any pictures. I tried to take a little video of Hannah going down the slide, but the quality isn't that great...
Sunday afternoon we took the kiddos to the pool, and I had the best time playing in the water with both of our babies. It's much easier to enjoy yourself when you aren't the only person responsible for their survival! Brad took some great pictures while we were there...
Yesterday the kids and I had another low-key Monday, but this time I took them to lunch at Burger King and let the two of them explore the tunnels there. Even Hannah joined in the fun:)
I know this post was super-long, but I honestly couldn't have asked for a better week. The one year birthday has made me super emotional as of late, and I just want to remember these great times with my little ones:)

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