It seems that we have a little scientist on our hands. Today, on Jack's progress report from school, his teacher mentioned that he can't get enough of the new science topics that they introduce. He's always very interested to learn as much as he can, she wrote, and recently, he enjoyed learning about finger prints and "trying to find the cookie thief." I can tell you with certainty, he did not get this interest or specialty from me. I would not have passed chemistry without Brad's help {for those of you who don't know or have forgotten - Brad and I met in high school, my sophomore year during a chemistry class. I was seated next to him by the teacher in hopes of quieting him down:)}. I also would not have passed physics my junior year without his help. And in college? When I took geology because I figured, "Seriously, how hard can rocks be?" Let's just say they can be trickier than you'd imagine. I'm a language arts and social studies kind of girl - through and through.
Seems like maybe Jack will take after his daddy in this cute!
In other news, Miss Hannah can say, "Jack." Most of the time, she says, "Jack-Jack!" but it usually comes out sounding like, "Gack-Gack!" We don't care one bit - it's the sweetest sound in the world. I think we're both more excited about that than when she first said, "mama," or, "dada." Such a bright girl, and what a happy big brother!
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