I knew I'd need lots of different storage bins in lots of different sizes.
I set to work on Pinterest and put together an inspiration board.
I shopped at Target, Ikea, Etsy, and The Land of Nod.
And this is how I turned my vision into a reality:
This is the view from the top of the stairs. The only thing that isn't finished is the corner bookshelf system that will be on the blank wall right outside of the guest room. We tried the rain gutter bookshelves I found on Pinterest - they didn't look as cute in person as I'd expected, so I'm searching for a better alternative. I'm thinking white spice racks I saw at Ikea...
All of the playrooms I inspected on Pinterest didn't have a single toy outside of a basket...nothing of an unusual shape or on wheels. This isn't us...I had to have a space for what I call chunky toys:)
I love the window benches, and I had a lot of fun making sure that there were equal things blue and pink so that Jack and Hannah can each have their own special places to put their things.
I wanted the room to be colorful, and I found the rug (ABC's!) and the curtains (they reminded me of The Cat in the Hat) early on and planned the rest of the room around those two pieces.
I spy a tiny girl exploring a new space:)
These are one of my favorite things in the room - I got to choose (from a ton of possibilities) the words that I wanted to surround our little lovelies...the inspirational words that they will one day read while hanging out together in the playroom.
Room to play - this room is for Jack and Hannah. It never looks perfectly clean or stays perfectly organized, and that is okay.
If you wouldn't have guessed (ha!), symmetry plays a big part in this house:) So with one half of the room being a railing, I did my best.
We also wanted to have a special place upstairs for the train table. Until now it had replaced our coffee table in the family room, and I couldn't take it any longer.
I am very pleased with the way the room turned out. It feels special. It's bright and colorful and happy. And they love it:)
In case you're dying to know...
Bookshelves, benches, storage cubes, arm chairs, and the low activity table all came from Target.
The woven baskets in the bookshelves, the standing baskets for the stuffed animals, and the sets of suitcases came from The Land of Nod.
The rugs both came from Costco.
The curtains and the pillows on the window bench came from Ikea.
And the prints...my, oh-so-wonderful prints - they came from here:)
And because she wanted to pose the day I was taking these pictures...
{oh, those baby curls!}

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