I snuck into Jack's bedroom and snuggled up next to him under his Spider-man covers. He quietly said, "Awesome. Thanks for checking on me," with that adorable, little-boy smile I love.
You see, we're both trying to adjust to a quicker tuck-in routine, and the truth is, I miss our night-time snuggle as much as he does.
One day, sooner than I want it to appear, it will no longer be welcomed to cuddle in close with Jack, and I want to soak it up while I can.
We laid there, staring up at the full moon, just watching in silence. Those moments - they're at the top of the charts for me. And maybe for him, too.
I mean, he did say, "Awesome."

Love this post. Keep snuggling because my boys at 10 and 12 still want to snuggle and even last night were arguing over who got more snuggle time and who got more hugs and kisses...it's the best feeling in the world.
That makes me so happy to hear! I hope that Jack never gets tired of snuggling with his mama:)
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