as I got out of the car to unload the kids from school and work, our neighbor came over to inform me there is a leak in our front yard (oh, so that's what that wet spot in the grass is...I see)...
I furiously flipped through files trying to locate the water line insurance replacement program receipt...
Jack wanted to play with play-doh so I thought it would be a good idea to set him up at the kitchen table to keep him occupied while I attempted to deal with the leak in the front yard...
I called Grampy for reinforcements since this has happened to him in the not-too-distant-past...
Hannah wanted a snack. And some juice. Immediately. She also wanted to take off her shoes. Right then.
I located the receipt for the water line replacement program and attempted to call, in this order, the water company, the electric company (who provides the program), and the warranty department on our home. No one answered the first time. So I called again...
I discovered Hannah had a very nasty diaper situation happening while I was on the phone with an irrigation company who gladly said they would come inspect the sprinkler system to be sure that wasn't the cause of the leak...
I called Brad to tell him the good news (we pay for water line insurance!) and the bad news (our water line is most likely broken!)...
I pretended to eat a soup made out of play-doh made by my adorable son...
I tried to change Hannah's diaper, but realized we were out of wipes downstairs so I went up to grab wipes and then, when I got back downstairs, I discovered the tushy situation required a warm, soft washcloth (believe me, you don't want to know)...
I ate some more play-doh soup...
I headed upstairs with a half-naked Hannah. I put her down, but as I warmed up a wet washcloth, I noticed a faint sound. "Is that tinkling?" I thought. Sure enough, it was. Miss Hannah peed on the floor. And then she walked towards me, slipped and fell, getting pee all over the back of her shirt and in her hair. Yay!
I gave Hannah a bath in the sink. And put a diaper on her tushy as soon as possible. And then I cleaned up the floor.
We went back downstairs to discover that Jack decided the kitchen table wasn't as fun as playing with play-doh in the family room - over the carpet. Double yay!
After redirecting the play-doh, the irrigation guys arrived (luckily at the same time Brad got home) and discovered that it was, in fact, the main water line that is leaking.
After making another couple of phone calls to the electric company, we learned that within 24 hours someone else would be out to see what could be done to stop the leak.
We did our usual dinner, clean up, bath time, bedtime routine (which, if you can imagine, always runs as smooth as butter around here)...
I paid the bills and organized paperwork...
and now, I'm going to sleep. Immediately.
Because who knows what tomorrow has in store for this crazy family:)

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