Sweet Hannah Bear,
You are one! My precious, beautiful girl - I can't believe how quickly time has flown!
You are wearing a size 3 diaper (we switched diapers recently, and you dropped down a size) and 12 month clothing. If I'm being honest, we're going to have to move up to 18 month clothing here pretty soon because your little t-shirts don't always cover that baby belly of yours:) At your last doctor's appointment, you were exactly 20 pounds, but now I would guess that you're about 22 pounds.
You have two bottom teeth, but as of yet, nothing else has started to pop up.
You are walking everywhere since our last true monthly update (although you actually started walking at about 11 months - I marked the date on your baby calendar, don't you worry). You're trying to master running, but your chubby feet just can't keep up with your upper body. We know you're getting sleepy when it starts to look like you're a walking drunk:)
You are both a mama's girl and a daddy's girl, and we love it. You get so excited when you see either one of us, and you love to say, "Mama" and "Dada."
You also couldn't love your brother more, and one of our favorite things to do is to watch the two of you together. You smile when he's around, and when he thinks I'm not looking, he comes up to you and is the absolute sweetest. He gives you hugs and kisses and tickles your belly.
You make really great associations for your age, in my opinion. You know to put the phone up to your ear and talk, you know to try to brush your hair with a hairbrush, and you try to put your shoes on too. You think one of Jack's Spider-man toys is a thermometer because it is shaped similarly, and you always put it up against your forehead. So smart, Baby Girl!
You giggle like it's no one's business. It's one of my favorite sounds...
You are still so expressive - this picture says so much!
You continue to be our biggest risk-taker, and we have to keep a very close eye on you to keep you safe. You have no fears that we can tell...Jack has suggested we let you wear a helmet around the house to keep you safe:) Not a bad idea!
{This is you, smiling at your daddy.}
You're such a girly-girl. You still play with Jack's toys a lot, but you love purses (or things you think are purses) and stuffies. You just snuggle them up really close to your neck and carry them around. A-dorable.
You don't love it when I do your hair anymore. You take headbands, clips, and ponytail holders out as soon as you can. When I tell you no and say, "Pretty," you shake your head no at me. Which is too bad, because now, I can give you two little, low pigtails in the back of your head. Still trying to get a good picture of that, Pretty Girl.
You love to play outside. You love to dance - you shake your little hips and put one hand up in the air. I love it! You also have recently begun to love books. It's taken a very long time. I read to you as much as I can, but until recently you just squirmed and looked away while I read to myself. But now? Now you pick out a book from your basket, carry it across the room, back up into my lap, and sit down (Jack used to do the same thing). Your favorite book is Bubbles, Bubbles. It was a favorite of Jack's as well:)
{Oh. My. Word.}
In addition to Mama and Dada, you also say bye bye, up, baba (bottle), and puppa (puppy). You can mimic sounds very easily, so when we say, "I love you," you mimic back the intonation and inflection. You also lean in and pucker up for a kiss:)
{Smiling for Daddy}
Baby Girl - You are so very loved. We are so very lucky.

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