and my daughter eats dog food. Repeatedly. Which must mean she likes it. Gross...
That's right. You read correctly - Hannah likes to eat dog food. As much as she can get into her sweaty little palms and shove into her mouth before any of us can get to her. And she's really fast...
Much like Jack once he started crawling, Hannah has been somewhat interested in the dogs' water bowls. She doesn't completely dump them over the way that Jack used to (thankgoodness), but instead she likes to splash around and try to get enough on her hands to drink. It completely grosses me out:(
But this week? This week, I've noticed that as soon as I feed the doggies, Hannah makes a bee line to the bowls, grabs a fistful of dog food, and shoves it into her face. When I pick her up, fish it out, move her away, put her down, and say, "No, no," she immediately races back to do it again. We're not off to a great start...
Needless to say the poor puppy dogs are not very happy because my only solution is to put the dog bowls up and away when Hannah is around. They are not happy about it - I know because Gracie tells me. And Belle? Belle just sits and looks longingly at the shelf.
But it's either that or let my daughter eat dog food. And while the logical side of me knows it's not going to hurt her, every other part of me says, "Eww!"
She probably smelled like dog food the other day when I took her to school, but I didn't have the heart to explain that she ate some dog food along with her waffle. I just prayed that she wouldn't breathe on her teachers, and that they wouldn't notice.
I'm sure this is just a phase and that she won't go to kindergarten eating dog food. I just hope that it's a phase that ends sooner rather than later. Seriously.
Oh, but I still love her. Lots. And she knows it!
That is all.

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