Amazingly, our house is clean. Christmas has been put away until next year, and the kids' new toys have been redistributed and organized into bedrooms, and the playroom, and the baskets. Oh, the new toys! Such lucky little children they are...the good news is that I have nearly an entire guest bedroom of toys that the children have outgrown...some of those toys we are saving for our little nephew and the rest we are giving away. I was impressed with how willing Jack was to go through his toys and choose things that other little boys and girls could now have...he has such a good heart.
One of our puppies is snoring beside my bed...I think it's actually Belle, although it's a pretty deep snore. They are happy little puppies. I surprised myself by making an appointment for their haircut months in advance and just in time for the holidays...surprised because I completely forgot about said appointment until my phone reminded me. I love my phone! The puppies smell so good after they get their haircut. Hannah has been especially lovey with them lately, and they got tons of puppy snacks in their stockings this year, so they have lots to be happy about.
Hannah can officially wear pigtails now!!! I feel as though I have waited my whole life for this moment, and it's finally here. Now, while she can wear them (as in, she officially has enough hair), she still doesn't like to wear them. I'm working on it. Bound and determined. Pictures were taken, and I will post them soon.
I am going to do a 2012 post in pictures and words here soon, I promise. I just need some time to get myself organized, but don't you worry. It's coming.
We had so much fun over this winter break...
spending time with family
baking Christmas cookies, or rather, Christmas balls, as Jack ended up calling my feeble attempt
playing with new toys
watching The Amazing Spider-Man
celebrating New Year's in Washington, D.C.
...I wish it didn't have to end.
I am going to miss the littles tomorrow while I'm at work. I hope that morning drop-off goes okay. I'm expecting everyone to be a little sad, myself included.
Looking forward to all that 2013 has in store for us...mostly a little nephew and a new uncle:) Babies and weddings! Oh my:)

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